Voces del Bosque
The Voces del Bosque Residency is a private initiative started in 2019 by the biologist Paola Moscoso and the visual artist Catalina Lizarzaburu in the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest.
The project aims to promote artistic creation in natural spaces of social and ecological importance. The objectives are to unite nature and art with a special focus on the soundscape of the forests, to generate a space for dialogue and reflection for new points of view on the values of the ecosystems, and to raise awareness about the importance of the conservation of these spaces.
The residency generally takes place in the Yasuní National Park in the Amazonian part of Ecuador, and receives each year about 4 national and international artists, generally two musicians or sound artists with a visual artist and a scenic artist. The residency lasts approximately one week during which they will share a cabin in the forest, with daily meals, have access to shared studios and outdoor spaces, and receive mentoring on their projects. The artists will also be participating in workshops and talks with professionals, and will go on some field trips with local guides. In addition, the residency may be documented and each artist's project will be disseminated on the residency’s social networks. The residency may also end with an exhibition. Artists can apply to the program by sending a curriculum vitae with their social networks, an artist statement, a letter of motivation and a project proposal.
The modalities of the fees will change each year, depending on the location and the activities organized during the residency.
Voces del BosqueParque Nacional Yasuní, Ecuador