The Casa Benet Domingo opened its doors in 2008 under the impulsion of Pilar Domingo and Maria Matina, descendants of the famous Spanish artist, architect, and scenographer Pere Benet Domingo, exiled in Brazil since 1952.
The Casa is now a center for freedom of expression and reflection on the current artistic context with a focus on visual arts, music, literature, and corporal expression. It has a wide cultural program with classes of painting, drawing, and engraving, and produces shows and exhibitions both in its headquarters and in a nomadic way throughout Latin America and Europe.
Open since 2016, the residency program ESTARTE LATINOAMÉRICA is curated by Brazilian artist Pilar Benet Domingo, winner of a dozen awards, and focuses on multilingual research, production, and intervention. The program is for Latin American researchers and visual artists, without being closed to other disciplines, and welcomes twice a year a group of 5 artists for a two-week period. Artists will be hosted in private or shared rooms, troops accepted, and have access to shared studios, musical instruments, a library, tools, printers, exhibition spaces, and receive mentoring on their projects. Selected artists will be asked to organize activities of their choice for the local communities such as debates, workshops, classes, conferences, open studios, exhibitions, performances, or readings. At the end of the residency, the project’s results will be showcased in different cultural centers, universities, and schools of Rio de Janeiro. Artists of all ages, genders, religions, or career levels can apply by sending a curriculum vitae, a body of the latest artworks, and a project proposal. Special attention will be given to projects in relation to Spanish descendants, ancestral heritage, and Latin American strengths.
ESTARTE LATINOAMÉRICAAv. São Sebastião, 135 - Urca, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil