El Valle del Viento
El Valle del Viento - Residencia Rural is an independent cultural center open since 2014, created by Juan Camilo Pardo Neira.
The center is quite isolated, surrounded by an inspiring nature, and located in the Hidden Valley close by the touristic city of Villa de Leyva. The center organizes numerous activities from workshops, festivals, a drum’s fabric, expeditions in the mountains and rivers around, rural co-working, jam sessions, and many concerts.
With a special focus on music, the spaces are designed for acoustic and performing arts in all of their forms and counts with a recording studio and a concert hall based in a 9 meters tall teepee. The main goal of the residency program is to exchange knowledge from all over the world and create a trans-disciplinary artistic community around sound practices, collective thinking, local community integration, ecology, and sustainable architecture. The program is also open to writers, philosophers, theater troops, and visual artists from all disciplines.
Up to five artists with no restrictions of age, career levels, gender, race, or religion are selected each year for a one-month stay. Artists are hosted in private rooms, companion and pet friendly, and have access to numerous plain air spaces, a shared studio, the tepee covered with a dance floor, and exhibition spaces. Artists can organize workshops and exhibitions during their stay. A strong project proposal is key to the selection of the artists in residence.
El Valle del VientoVilla de Leyva, Km 12 vía a Santa Sofía. Colombia