Art residencies explained by artists in residence

With around 5000 residency programs worldwide, art residencies are becoming more and more important in the artists’ life, giving time to experiment, investigate and elaborate on new artworks, disciplines, concepts…

Often offering a new context and culture, residencies allow artists to be more open-minded, to think out of the box and out of their comfort zone. Gifting them time to be entirely focused on their projects also allows them to progress personally on their works and their quality.

In addition, they are able to exchange with other communities of artists that will influence their works in the long term. Meeting with other artists often make them feel that they are not alone and that others are experiencing the same difficulties, and this encounter definitely helps to find solutions in overcoming problems. For the artists, it is a unique opportunity to get to know other cultures, but for those local cultures, it is also a chance to connect themselves with foreign ways of thinking. Both will be receiving ideas and critics that will feed their creativity and make their works more powerful.

Furthermore, they will be creating their own international networks with artists and art institutions, helping their personal career developments. It allows them to confront their works with a more intrinsic eye and be successful as international artists.
In the end, art residencies are spaces and times where artists can just be artists!


Carola Cofré, artist in residence in MAM Chiloé (Castro, Isla Chiloé, Chile)

Martin Selis, artist in residence in El Pasaje (Tafí del Valle, Argentina)

Eloíza Paz, artist in residence in KIOSKO Galería (Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia)

Carolina Hirschhorn, artist in residence in El Pasaje (Tafí del Valle, Argentina)

Sabrina Fernández, artist in residence in KIOSKO Galería (Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia)

Francina Carbonel, artist in residence in ARCA (Puerto Williams, Cabo de Hornos, Chile)

María José Cifuentes, artist in residence in NAVE (Santiago de Chile, Chile)

Angela Cura, artist in residence in MAM Chiloé (Castro, Isla Chiloé, Chile)

Florencia Nieto, artist in residence in El Pasaje (Tafí del Valle, Argentina)

Valentina Soto Illanes, artist in residence in R.A.R.O (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Andrea Guerrero, artist in residence in ARCA (Puerto Williams, Cabo de Hornos, Chile)

Antonio Caro, artist in residence in ARCA (Puerto Williams, Cabo de Hornos, Chile)

Karina Quinteros, artist in residence in El Pasaje (Tafí del Valle, Argentina)

Laura Zingariello, artist in residence in El Pasaje (Tafí del Valle, Argentina)

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